Block Members The real economic cycle.

Aleksandr Yedush
6 min readFeb 8, 2021

Block Members is a new company that developed and monetized its own token (MP) and started active movement. The created token works in the transfer system of the main Ethereum ERC 20 and has a link to its own wallet on TNKST. The advantages of this token and the transmission system are very high and the network is very secure. The company finances the automotive industry, and the token holders will profit from the construction of the automotive industry.

The company works with automotive innovators from the Hyundai automotive and aviation industries. There is always an interesting and innovative idea. The new company is providing its services, and how the public accepts it will determine the price of the token. In addition to the automotive industry, the company is engaged in auto construction. What is autobuilding is the automation of construction processes from design to introduction to the beginning of the construction phase and the final delivery of a property into operation. The automotive industry is a large industry that increases the value of this company’s token. Investors who buy tokens (MP) can benefit from the buy / sell movement through demand and growth by increasing construction orders, thus becoming a profitable token. BlockMembers to fund the construction of cars (crypto houses), smart houses built by robots, funded by cryptocurrencies, hurricanes and fire safety. The real economic cycle shows the change in the token rate of the company that launched the cryptocurrency market and quickly attracted the interest of potential investors, the foundation for the development of BlockMembers is getting stronger every day.The project shows stable work in the cryptocurrency market, which positively characterizes the team and a high probability of demand for tokens by potential investors.

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Tocen details

Token Symbol: MP

Token Sale Start: Aug 1st 2020

Token Sale End: Dec 31 2020

Tokens for sale: 120,000,000

Starting Price: $1.00 USD

Specifications: ERC 20

Max circulating supply: 360,000,000

Sale duration: Approx. 6 months

The “block fund” was created when the MBU was put on the stock exchange. A block fund is a collection of all blocks owned by all participants at any given time. This could be called a “block market capitalization” that will meet demand in many industries.
As orders move from industry to block market, blocks will quickly be consumed. Automotive manufacturers will start replacing blocks. This buy / sell movement is referred to as an inventory bubble.

Designed smartly and reduces waste to provide home ownership opportunities for those who cannot, with up to 60% expected cost savings in property development. Built to be durable and secure to provide a shelter during natural disasters. Designs and materials work against climate change with superior system performance, saving energy and waste. 60% reduction in construction time at all stages of the construction project.
Implementation of a waste-free construction system and energy recovery for data processing.
Collect green solar energy from new buildings.
Auto-Construction powered by AECROS supports the development of new green technologies to build a better future.
Auto-Construction powered by AECROS combines intelligence to create smart and safe homes for a better future.
Safe housing in high-risk areas of hurricanes.
New and better methods are being introduced instead of investing more resources in the broken and wasteful system of traditional construction methods.
Auto-Construction powered by AECROS offers environmentally friendly solutions throughout the construction process.
Rapid construction of buildings AECROS helps with natural disasters. AECROS technologies allow the creation of temporary buildings, ideal for the oil and gas sector operating in remote locations.
AECROS consists of several areas, including the mass production of MBUs (monetized building blocks).
Continuous development of robots for remote building construction 24/7 in all environmental conditions.
A global fleet management system for real-time production monitoring right through to on-site delivery.A token and a shared wallet where there is a trading platform and transactions are carried out to transfer to the Ethereum network.Token and trade wallet

official website of the company

To increase the advertising of the project during the marketing plan, the company launched a bounty program. The bounty allows the company to attract public attention to its work and increase the demand for its token. The result of the work is accompanied by official pages on social networks where you can find all the questions of the company and contact the project team. Bounty is about leveraging social media to increase sales and increase life value. How a company uses social media to increase sales and increase life value.
Social networks have long entered our lives and have gradually entered our daily life, becoming an integral part of our daily interactions.
Social media statistics show that the world has an average of 3.2 billion users * (which is 42% of the world’s population). In addition, Forbes highlights the importance of exposure to a positive customer experience on social media: 71% ** of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand said they are likely to recommend the brand to their friends and family.
Obviously, social media isn’t just a platform for a company to attract new customers, it’s much more. Social media platforms are a vital part of the CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) equation these days. The company’s social media strategy is focused on customer retention, which in turn should increase volume. Social media platforms provide forex brokers with the opportunity to build relationships with clients, as well as provide an opportunity to directly get acquainted with the company’s product token and the popularity of supply demand.

Block Members facebook

Block Members twitter

Block Members linkedin

Block Members telegram

Block Members youtube

Block Members reddit

Block Members Medium


A company next to a bounty company conducts an airdrop.Block Members (ACBM) Airdrop Program

More than $2,000,000 worth of MP tokens to be rewarded for the first 10,000 participants.$200 for each participants completing the Airdrop tasks.Join us now here.

Let’s summarize a short objective review of the project. We will pay much attention to the economic benefits of the Block Members project. The company bases its token as an investment in auto construction and automotive industry. The engineering architecture of tokenization is a new topic and causes for discussion. The fundamental goal of the company is to work on construction in various regions up to difficult climatic and seismic and cataclysmic hazardous zones. Working with the oil industry for the construction of industrial facilities. The company’s work with a novatar car in the creation of new technologies and a new generation project. The token itself is strongly backed by the economic sector making it valuable compared to other peers in the cryptocurrency market. Correct company sequences and key economic concepts make the token valuable for investment.

A short objective review of the project was prepared by the participant of the bitcoin talk forum Leсaspis.


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